dairy 2020

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I thought I was happy but now I just feel empty and numb. Not happy. Not sad. Not angry. Videos and shows that I used to watch to laugh at or videos that are cute have no effect on me these past few days. Sometimes I cry but I don't really feel it. It's like putting water droplets on a manniquen's face.


I'm lonely and bored but I love living in New York. I like walking places and looking at people and the little park has a dog run so there's a lot of dogs. I have no roommates this semester so it's kinda weird and very lonely. I'm not even really sure how to meet friends because of COVID but I'll try. I like it though, I dance and play my music and get to shower with the door open because it's a really small bathroom.


I moved into my dorm yesterday. I went to sleep but woke up at midnight and I'm not tired at all so I'm writing this entry. I think a lot of people think I'm scared but I'm not. I'm not scared of living in New York or walking alone, or buying food. I am scared of the assignments and talking on zoom though.

And talking to people. I'm not good at talking.